First Cross-border GNSS Network in Asia Minor

Embark on a scientific journey with TEX-Sky’s Asia Minor GNSS Network, a visionary donation project by Texplor Geontech, aiming to deepen our understanding of tectonic plate movements across borders. Our mission is to enhance earthquake monitoring, ultimately safeguarding vulnerable populations in Asia Minor from seismic events.

This pioneering initiative strategically places 6-7 TEXtant® GNSS stations across six countries in Asia Minor, providing daily X-Y-Z movement results with millimeter precision. Accessible through the TEX-Sky Cloud Network, these shared data results are available to the scientific community of the participating countries.

For the first time, the overall picture of tectonic plate movements affecting Asia Minor will offer new insights into the formation of earthquakes and their early detection. 

Through collaborative analysis and shared data, the Asia Minor GNSS Network project aims to improve early warning systems in this earthquake-prone region.

Key Goals of the Project

  • Gain insights into earthquake formation.
  • Better understanding of tectonic plate dynamics.
  • Improve early warning systems with daily data.
The TEX-SKY ASIA MINOR GNSS NETWORK with all planned TEXtant® stations in six countries

Project Features

  • Simultaneous Monitoring: 
    Covering all tectonic plates affecting Asia Minor.
  • The TEXtant® GNSS Network: 
    Adana, Turkey: Installed in 2023. Lebanon and Jordan: Preparation underway, expected installation in April/May 2024. Negotiations ongoing for installations in Syria, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia.
  • Daily Up-to-date Results at TEX-Sky Monitoring Cloud:
    Accessible to the scientific community.
  • Integration of Seismic Data: 
    Future feature on TEX-Sky for comprehensive insights.

First Installation in Adana, Turkey 

The first installation of the Asia Minor TEXtant® GNSS Network Project took place in April 2023 in Adana, Turkey, with support from Mayor Zeydan Karalar. The Adana station, installed atop the City Hall, delivers daily millimeter-level movement results to the TEX-Sky Monitoring Cloud Network, marking the first step in establishing the comprehensive Asia Minor GNSS network.

Handover of the first TEXtant® GNSS station to Mayor Zeydan Karalar and his team in Adana, Turkey in April 2023

Daily results displayed on maps for joint analytics

Daily movement data from the TEXtant® GNSS station in Adana is continuously analyzed and correlated with the previous smaller earthquakes. Documenting Anatolian plate movements in millimeters, results are displayed on maps daily, weekly, and monthly.

Results with seismic events

Combination of GNSS coordinates (longitude) of the GNSS station Adana and earthquakes from 2023/4 to 2024/09 (18 months):

Combination of GNSS coordinates (latitude) of the GNSS station Adana and earthquakes from 2023/4 to 2024/09 (18 months):

Results Movement and Direction

Directional displacement map with monthly center points.

Measurement period: 2023/04 to 2024/09 (18 months)
Results: Movement: 1 cm, direction: southwest

Calculating the center points: 30 daily values give a monthly center point. The longer the measurement period, the more accurate and likely the position. 

X-Y-Z Coordinates

Absolute difference of daily X-Y-Z coordinates (UTM).

Measurement period: 2023/04 to 2024/09 (18 months) 
Results: X: 2 mm / Y: 1 mm / Z: 0.5 mm

This data is freely available to experts and collaborating scientists from all Asia Minor GNSS Network Project countries, fostering joint analysis and experience exchange.

Upcoming installations in Lebanon and Jordan

In collaboration with the CNRS National Center for Geophysics in Lebanon and the University of Jordan, Department of Geology, preparations are underway for the installation of two TEXtant® GNSS stations in these regions. Discussions on the station locations are still ongoing and delivery is planned for April/May 2024.

TEXtant® GNSS technology accessible with the TEX-Sky Cloud Network

The pioneering TEXtant® GNSS technology offers millimeter-level precision and operates autonomously, revolutionizing GNSS monitoring. Daily results in X, Y, Z, speed, and direction, alongside automatic PPP processing and scalability, ensure precise monitoring without specialized personnel. Complementing this technology is the TEX-Sky Monitoring Cloud, a centralized platform where daily movement data and analytics are stored and accessed. This innovative cloud network provides seamless integration and visualization of GNSS monitoring results, facilitating collaboration among scientists and experts across borders.

Join the Asia Minor Network

Texplor Geontech is committed to making a significant contribution to disaster relief in the region. We invite you to work with us to expand the project to a meaningful level that can make a real difference in the affected region.

Bastian Merten, CTO

 +49 (0)160 66 03 381
 see LinkedIn

Learn More:

The Asia Minor GNSS Network project

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