Autonomous GNSS Movement Monitoring System
Daily results in X-Y-Z, speed and direction in IGS quality
Automatic processing with millimeter accuracy

TEXtant®, a new pioneering GNSS system for millimeter-scale monitoring of displacement, direction and velocity. The stand-alone or network-based system works fully automatic and operates without the need of manual intervention, delivering daily 3D-coordinates, speed and direction results to a secure client database with IGS-level accuracy.
These features set it apart from existing GNSS technologies on the market.
Millimeter accuracy like the IGS golden standard
data processing
Daily data, speed and direction results in the cloud
Cost effective
and easy to use
Fully autonomous and automatic system
- 24/7 geodynamic and geohazard monitoring
- Autonomous and automatic stand alone or network system
- Labor- and cost-effective
Enhanced Geodetic Precision
TEXtant’s advanced technology provides stand-alone, automatic, precise-point-positioning (ppp) with accuracy comparable to IGS stations, but at a much lower cost and with increased labor efficiency.
Simple and Cost-Effective Setup
With its easy-to-use setup, TEXtant can be quickly installed on all types of structures and areas, offering a cost-effective solution for monitoring displacement and velocity change.
Network Data Cloud System
TEXtant’s GNSS movement monitoring network system provides a cloud-based data network with daily results, offering new possibilities for enhanced disaster prevention and preparedness efforts in areas prone to geohazards.

- Millimeter accuracy with IGS-level quality
- Fully automatic data processing without the need for manual intervention
- Consistent data for long-term Structural Health Monitoring
- X-Y-Z, speed and direction results
- Displayed daily on client device
- Network with other TEXtant® systems
- Alarm function for emergency

The TEXtant® GNSS movement monitoring network system has wide-ranging application areas include geodynamic monitoring of crustal and tectonic plates, improving early warning systems for geohazards, structural health monitoring of water- and protective dams, bridges, and critical infrastructures, as well as expanding the IGS network for transportation and scientific research purposes.
Featured projects
We conducted continuous measurements over a period of 30 days at the German Research Centre for Geosciences GFZ in Potsdam, Germany. Our TEXtant® GNSS system was connected to the same antenna as the geodetic Javad receiver of the IGS station POTS, as seen here.
The results of the measurements were exceptional. Our system delivered precise measurement data of displacement, direction, and velocity, with an accuracy comparable to that of the world standard IGS stations.
The daily results are accurate to the millimeter. Measured at the IGS station at the GFZ, Potsdam, Germany
A new type of GNSS box is being developed as part of a cooperation between Texplor, the TU Berlin and the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam. The box contains innovative hardware and software developments and enables cost-effective, autonomous and very accurate positioning.”
Prof. Dr. Jens Wickert
GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences

The TEXtant® software performs all data corrections automatically, eliminating the need for manual processing by a specialist. Once a day, the GNSS system processes all data autonomously and delivers 3D coordinates to a secure client database, with accuracy on par with the world standard of IGS stations. This saves both time and money, making TEXtant® an efficient and cost-effective solution for precise geohazard monitoring.

The TEXtant® GNSS network system provides daily results from multiple stations on different tectonic plates, enabling the development of a cross-border early warning system for disaster prediction and risk management. Its unique capability to view an entire region simultaneously is a game-changer for geohazard monitoring, minimizing risks, and potentially predicting disasters before they occur.
Alerts in case of dramatic movement for warning / evacuation.
For areas not yet developed and risk areas
Stand alone
autonomous system
No base station, full network capability, solar powered.

- daily results of several GNSS stations on different tectonic plates
- the network shows an overall picture of an entire region
- new possibilities for science and early warning systems

The effects of climate change have led to an increased risk of natural hazards such as floods and landslides, which pose a threat to people, structures, dams, and landfills. The movements of the Earth’s crust and tectonic plates are known to cause earthquakes and other geological hazards. Millions of people are at risk in densely populated risk areas around the world, highlighting the urgent need for new cost-effective GNSS networks to provide reliable and effective early warning systems.
The TEXtant® system alerts on sudden movements and direction changes for quick early warning. The fully automated movement results can be relayed immediately to all agencies involved in order to ensure a coordinated evacuation or incident command.

In response to the devastating earthquakes that struck Turkey and Syria in February 2023, Texplor is committed to making a significant contribution to the disaster response efforts in the Asia Minor region. To this end, we have launched the “ASIA MINOR GNSS NETWORK” project, which involves the immediate deployment of a GNSS network for all affected countries. As part of our commitment, we are donating 6-7 TEXtant® GNSS systems to build the startup network in Turkey and neighboring countries down to Egypt. Daily results will be available for experts of all neighboring countries. Our goal is to expand the project to a significant level that can make a real difference in the affected region.
Join us today and be part of the solution!
- Set up a TEXtant® GNSS network for the affected region.
- Donation of 6 – 7 TEXtant® systems for a startup network.
- Daily visualization of results for experts in all participating countries.

9 FAQ’s about the TEXtant® GNSS network system
TEXtant® is an autonomous GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) movement monitoring system developed by Texplor Geontech GmbH, Germany. It is designed to provide millimeter-scale monitoring of displacement, direction, and velocity. The system operates fully automatically and provides daily 3D coordinates, speed, and direction results with IGS-level accuracy. It can be used as a standalone system or as part of a network. TEXtant results are securely stored in a client database, allowing for analysis and sharing with other experts or organizations. Additionally, the system includes an alarm function for emergency situations.
TEXtant® GNSS network system offers a significant advantage over other GNSS technologies. It provides millimeter accuracy and daily automatic processing without manual intervention, which reduces costs for processing and eliminates the need for time-consuming specialist intervention. It works without a base station, and the system’s network data cloud allows for the monitoring of multiple sites at once, providing a unified view of data from different locations. The setup process is simple, and the system is suitable for all types of areas and structures. Finally, it is solar powered, making it both environmentally friendly and cost-effective.
The TEXtant® GNSS system boasts a millimeter-level accuracy, which is equivalent to the IGS’s gold standard. The accuracy of TEXtant® has undergone rigorous testing by GFZ Potsdam and has been proven to deliver the same level of precision as IGS stations, which are widely regarded as the gold standard for GNSS measurements. The system processes X, Y, and Z coordinates, as well as speed and direction, automatically every day and delivers the results to a secure client database.
TEXtant® GNSS movement monitoring system offers a cost-effective solution for accurate and reliable monitoring as it eliminates the need for expensive operation and data processing personnel through completely unmanned operations and daily data preparation. This is particularly important as many countries cannot afford the high cost associated with conventional IGS systems. As a result, TEXtant is an attractive solution for organizations and countries seeking cost-effective and reliable monitoring solutions.
TEXtant® is a comprehensive and versatile GNSS movement monitoring system with diverse applications across various industries. It can be used for geodynamic monitoring of crustal and tectonic plates, structural health monitoring of critical infrastructure, expanding the IGS network worldwide, and providing a reliable solution for scientific research. Moreover, the system offers a cost-effective solution for GNSS measurements, making it accessible to developing countries with limited resources. One of its most significant advantages is its potential to improve early warning systems for geohazard-prone areas. Additionally, it opens up new opportunities for research, including tracking glacier movement and other climate change phenomena.
The autonomous TEXtant® GNSS network system provides daily results from multiple stations on different tectonic plates, enabling the development of a cross-border early warning system for disaster prediction and risk management. Its unique capability to view an entire region simultaneously is a game-changer for geohazard monitoring, minimizing risks, and potentially predicting disasters before they occur. This represents a significant opportunity for humanity to mitigate the effects of these events and save lives.
The TEXtant® GNSS movement monitoring system alerts on sudden movements and direction changes for quick early warning. The fully automated movement results, which are available once a day, can be relayed immediately to all agencies involved in order to ensure a coordinated evacuation or incident command.
TEXtant® GNSS network system is an ideal solution for long-term Structural Health Monitoring of critical infrastructure, including dams, bridges, constructions, and other protective structures. The system’s automatic data processing and cloud-based transfer capabilities enable continuous and accurate monitoring of structures over an extended period of time, providing consistent data for Structural Health Monitoring. This feature is essential for ensuring the safety and longevity of critical infrastructure.
To purchase the TEXtant® GNSS movement monitoring system, please feel free to contact us via email or message on our website, or through one of our authorized distributors. We are committed to making it easy for you to get started and providing ongoing support whenever needed.
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